1168 SAT Colleges: Best Schools for 1168 SAT Score

Best colleges for 1168 SAT Score are listed here. If you have achieved a SAT score of 1168, then you must choose at least 5 of the below listed colleges, as not only your chances of admissions will be good but also these colleges will be a good match for you. The following list of best suitable colleges for 1168 SAT scores is given so that you can choose a more suitable college, and may not choose a less competitive college or loose admissions because you have applied to a more competitive college.

The data is provided after rigorous scrutinizing of all US colleges and the average SAT scores of their admitted students. But please also note that colleges in US not only consider your SAT score but also take into consideration your GPA and other factors such as leadership qualities, interest in the subject, and participation in the social activities. Your motivation letter also plays a significant role.

Best Colleges for 1168 SAT Score

Following is the list of colleges that accept 1168 SAT Score.

InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Math ScoresAcceptance Rate
Cottey CollegeMissouri1096 510 - 580 - 520 - 540 60.54%
Sterling CollegeKansas1095 498 - 573 - 498 - 593 47.4%
Kentucky Wesleyan CollegeKentucky1095 455 - 560 - 465 - 580 67.23%
Gwynedd Mercy UniversityPennsylvania1095 490 - 610400 - 500 500 - 590 90.6%
Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania1095 500 - 610410 - 510 490 - 590 97.25%
University of Pittsburgh-BradfordPennsylvania1095 500 - 590410 - 520 490 - 590 73.29%
University of Pittsburgh-TitusvillePennsylvania1095 500 - 610360 - 448 520 - 560 46.88%
Southern Arkansas University Main CampusArkansas1094 460 - 570 - 470 - 570 62.6%
Toccoa Falls CollegeGeorgia1094 510 - 620 - 490 - 560 61.89%
Buena Vista UniversityIowa1094 480 - 583 - 483 - 557 65.98%
Brescia UniversityKentucky1094 460 - 590 - 460 - 600 53.13%
Dallas Baptist UniversityTexas1093 470 - 610 - 470 - 590 94%
Franklin CollegeIndiana1092 470 - 600430 - 520 490 - 580 94.65%
Framingham State UniversityMassachusetts1092 490 - 605430 - 530 500 - 570 83.8%
Aquinas CollegeMichigan1092 510 - 600 - 490 - 570 89.04%
Tusculum UniversityTennessee1092 460 - 550 - 450 - 560 77.03%
Florida CollegeFlorida1091 450 - 620410 - 568 450 - 540 82.72%
Georgia Southern UniversityGeorgia1091 500 - 610480 - 570 490 - 590 90.51%
Hope International UniversityCalifornia1090 510 - 530410 - 510 490 - 650 39.97%
University of New OrleansLouisiana1089 520 - 640 - 490 - 640 80.58%
Frostburg State UniversityMaryland1089 500 - 610410 - 510 480 - 590 86.05%
Colorado Mesa UniversityColorado1088 480 - 610 - 468 - 590 80.24%
Cabarrus College of Health SciencesNorth Carolina1088 485 - 600430 - 480 460 - 545 46%
Edinboro University of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania1088 490 - 600400 - 500 480 - 570 92.37%
Texas State UniversityTexas1088 500 - 600440 - 530 490 - 580 69.99%
Shepherd UniversityWest Virginia1087 500 - 610 - 460 - 570 96.41%
Mount Saint Mary CollegeNew York1087 500 - 580 - 500 - 590 91.45%
Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleIllinois1086 480 - 590 - 450 - 570 95.15%
Alcorn State UniversityMississippi1086 433 - 538 - 420 - 535 38.91%
Stephens CollegeMissouri1086 520 - 630460 - 560 510 - 540 63.66%
Gardner-Webb UniversityNorth Carolina1086 485 - 605410 - 530 475 - 610 78.95%
Northern State UniversitySouth Dakota1086 530 - 600 - 490 - 590 79.82%
Indiana University-South BendIndiana1085 490 - 610400 - 510 490 - 580 88.94%
Newman UniversityKansas1085 - 450 - 540 - 71.65%
Concordia University Ann ArborMichigan1085 - - - 62.81%
Marshall UniversityWest Virginia1085 480 - 600 - 450 - 550 97.8%
University of Wisconsin-ParksideWisconsin1085 - - - 74.97%
Saint Cloud State UniversityMinnesota1085 - - - 94.32%
Conception Seminary CollegeMissouri1085 - - - 100%
Aultman College of Nursing and Health SciencesOhio1085 - - - 31.91%
Malone UniversityOhio1085 483 - 590 - 510 - 588 78.03%
University of Central OklahomaOklahoma1085 - - - 81.3%
Lock Haven UniversityPennsylvania1085 490 - 600400 - 510 490 - 590 94.99%
University of Wisconsin-SuperiorWisconsin1085 - - - 76.23%
Austin Peay State UniversityTennessee1085 - - - 93.43%
West Texas A & M UniversityTexas1085 490 - 600 - 490 - 588 97.04%
University of Wisconsin-WhitewaterWisconsin1085 - 410 - 510 - 82.97%
Westfield State UniversityMassachusetts1084 490 - 600430 - 530 490 - 590 94.35%
Rosemont CollegePennsylvania1084 500 - 630390 - 505 480 - 570 80.02%
King UniversityTennessee1084 490 - 580 - 510 - 580 66.19%
InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Maths ScoresAcceptance Rate
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Is 1168 SAT Score Good?

A 1168 SAT Score is very good. 1168 SAT Score is 68th Percentile of all the SAT takers in the US. Last time 1.7 million students took the SAT test. It means your score is better than 68 of all the students who appeared in SAT. The SAT score ranges from 400-1600. However, if you are not satisfied with your result, or your target institution is not in the following list, or in top 10 listed colleges, then you might need to consider re-taking the test to improve your performance.

What percentile is 1168 SAT?

1168 SAT score is 75th percentile in US. This means you have outperformed 75th percent of the students and percent of the students performed better than you.

Top colleges for 1168 SAT score

If you have scored 1168 in SAT, then the best colleges for you include Sterling College, Kentucky Wesleyan College, Gwynedd Mercy University, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh-Bradford.

Best Colleges for SAT Score Ranges

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