Colorado Colleges with 100 Acceptance Rate

List of colleges with 100 acceptance rate is given below. 100 is the highest acceptance rate. It means all students who applied got admitted into the following colleges. College acceptance rate indicates what percent of the students got admission out of those who applied. A 50% acceptance rate means half of the students who applied got the admission at the college. Acceptance rate is calculated by dividing the number of admitted students by total number of applicants e.g if 1000 students applied and 400 got admission, then the acceptance rate will be 400/1000*100 = 40%.

A higher acceptance rate means the college is less selective, and it is easier to get admission. Colleges with 100 acceptance rate admits all students who applied for admission. A number of colleges and universities in US have 100% acceptance rate. Also, many colleges have open admission policy, which means they accept all students, and their acceptance rate is also 100%. Here we are listing all US colleges and universities with 100 percent acceptance rate or open admission policy.

But it is pertinent to mention here that even in those colleges with 100 percent acceptance rate or with open admission policy, student has to meet the minimum eligibility requirements to be accepted.

Does High acceptance Rate means Low Quality Education?

The best ranked and high quality colleges have very low acceptance rate, because the number of applicants are very high. But it does not mean that the colleges with 100% acceptance rate offer low quality education, it simply means that the number of applicants are low. There could be many reasons for that, the college may be new, or there may be a lot of colleges and universities in the close proximity, due to which the number of applicants to that specific college are low. Moreover, high fee rates can be another factor.

Top Colorado Colleges with 100 Acceptance Rate

CollegeUG StudentsFee
Academy of Natural Therapy Inc, Greeley 44
Cheeks Beauty Academy, Loveland 30
Colorado School of Healing Arts, Lakewood 22 11620
United Beauty College, Denver 19
United College of Health and Beauty, Englewood 17
Tuana European Beauty Academy, Fort Collins 6
Montessori Education Center of the Rockies, Denver 5
Apex College of Veterinary Technology, Colorado Springs 1 13750
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