
Google Generation Scholarship for US and Canadian Students

Google offers scholarships for US citizens and Canadian citizens. Google Generation Scholarship is for high school, undergraduate and graduate students pursuing computer sciences, supply chain, information technology and engineering related degrees. For high school students, those interested to pursue computer science or engineering degrees can apply for Google scholarships.

Google Generation scholarship amount is $10,000 USD (for those studying in the US) or $5,000 CAD (for those studying in Canada) for the one academic year.

Who can get Generation Google Scholarship?

The Generation Google scholarship is not merely awarded on the basis of academic performance. The scholarship award is based on a number of factors. First of all is your commitment to diversity. You will have show that you are a diverse person, understand different cultures very well as well as can perform better in a number of areas. Also, you must be a good team player and a good leader. Leadership qualities such as strong communication skills, better decision making and working under stress conditions makes you a perfect candidate for the Google Generation scholarship. People with better emotional stability are a perfect choice. Also, you need to have a variety of friends coming from different cultures and areas so that you have a better understanding of different cultures and civilizations. Also, you need to be good academically. 

Google has mentioned in its official documentation that it is looking for better future leaders. So the leadership qualities are a key to the scholarship from the tech giant.

Who gets preference for Google Generation Scholarship?

Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply for generation google scholarship but people from disadvantageous background are encouraged to apply and are more likely to win the scholarship award. Those groups of people who are historically less technology oriented are in a better position to win the award. Google encourages women, black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, American Indian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, to apply.

Am I required to enroll in a college degree program

Applicants are not required to currently be enrolled in an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, or PhD program. High school students can also apply who are planning to seek admissions to an accredited university or college can also apply. Those already pursuing a college or university degree may also apply.

Google Generation Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Those planning to seek admissions or accepted to a Bachelor, Master or PhD Program at an accredited college or university in the United states or Canada
  • Be in need of financial assistance
  • Be studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field.
  • Demonstrate a strong academic record.
  • Exemplify leadership and demonstrate passion for improving representation of underrepresented groups in computer science and technology.

How to apply for Generation Google Scholarship 

The application for the scholarship can be submitted online.

You will be asked to complete an online application which includes:

  • General background information (e.g. contact information and details about your current and intended universities)
  • Information regarding Family and household
  • Your Resume/CV
  • Academic transcripts from the institution you are currently enrolled at or previous institution
  • Responses to three short answer essay questions
  • Recipients will be selected based on the overall strength of their essays and application materials compared to the entire applicant pool or respective academic peers (e.g. high school students compared to other high school students).

Google Scholarship Essay Questions:

The three short answer essay questions below are intended to assess your demonstrated leadership, commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and financial need. Each response to the three questions below should be 500 words or less.

  1. Please give us one example of how you have exhibited leadership. Explain what you were trying to achieve, your role, how you influenced others, and the impact as a result of your actions. Think broadly and examine the many ways you are having an effect on the members of the different communities you are a part of. Keep in mind, the example you choose does not need to be a formal or traditional leadership role.
  2. What is a significant challenge that impacts historically excluded groups in the field of technology and what do you believe is the root cause of this challenge? What actions have you taken to address this challenge? Keep in mind that impact can happen in many ways and at different scales. Please focus at least half of your response on the actions you have taken.
  3. Describe any financial circumstances affecting your need for a scholarship. In your answer be sure to describe any obstacles you have overcome to get to where you are today. What goals will this scholarship enable you to accomplish?


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