Best Middle Schools in Cedar Rapids

List of top Middle Schools in Cedar Rapids Iowa. The details of the schools including name, address, contact details and number of total students enrolled are provided here for your reference.

Best Middle Schools in Cedar Rapids

SchoolAddressPhoneGradesTotal Students
Prairie Point 8015 Kirkwood Blvd(319)848-55007-91338
Prairie Creek 380 South Prairie RD SW(319)848-53105-6825
Harding Middle School 4801 Golf ST NE(319)558-22546-8712
Taft Middle School 5200 E AVE NW(319)558-22436-8574
Roosevelt Creative Corridor Business Academy 300 13th ST NW(319)558-21536-8560
Franklin Middle School 300 20th ST NE(319)558-24526-8534
McKinley STEAM Academy 620 10th ST SE(319)558-23486-8486
Wilson Middle School 2301 J ST SW(319)558-33876-8402
Cedar Rapids Virtual Academy 2500 Egewood Rd(319)558-39866-8127
SchoolAddressPhoneGradesTotal Students

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