Average SAT Score of South Carolina Colleges 2024

Average SAT Score all colleges and universities in South Carolina for undergraduate programs are mentioned here. SAT Score of admitted students help aspiring students to compare their scores with average of admitted students score. Additionally the breakdown of SAT Scores in each area is given here. You can compare your SAT Scores with the average SAT Scores of all the admitted students in a specific university or college. SAT Scores of 25th percentile to 75th Percentile of the students are given below.

Range of SAT score for the 25th Percentile to the 75th percentile of the students are mentioned here so that students can easily understand the score ranges of the majority of the students. So you have higher chances of admissions if your Scores are in these ranges, or near to these.

Average SAT Score Ranges of South Carolina Colleges and Universities

CollegeAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Math Scores
Furman University1375 630 - 720 -610 - 702
Clemson University1339 610 - 700 -610 - 720
Wofford College1310 600 - 665520 - 620585 - 665
University of South Carolina-Columbia1286 580 - 680 -570 - 680
College of Charleston1211 560 - 660 -530 - 620
American College of the Building Arts1140 510 - 600 -520 - 610
Presbyterian College1123 510 - 600430 - 570500 - 620
Coastal Carolina University1118 520 - 600 -510 - 590
Winthrop University1114 510 - 620 -490 - 575
North Greenville University1097 500 - 620450 - 660480 - 590
Charleston Southern University1082 500 - 620 -490 - 580
Southern Wesleyan University1079 500 - 598 -480 - 570
University of South Carolina-Upstate1065 480 - 590400 - 500470 - 560
Lander University1057 480 - 590390 - 493470 - 560
University of South Carolina Aiken1051 490 - 600 -470 - 570
Coker University1050 460 - 570 -480 - 590
Columbia International University1049 480 - 595460 - 570460 - 540
Erskine College1041 460 - 570420 - 530460 - 580
Newberry College1027 470 - 590 -465 - 565
Francis Marion University1011 470 - 570 -460 - 550
South Carolina State University937 400 - 530 -400 - 520
CollegeAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Maths Scores

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