1100 SAT Colleges: Best Schools for 1100 SAT Score

Best colleges for 1100 SAT Score are listed here. If you have achieved a SAT score of 1100, then you must choose at least 5 of the below listed colleges, as not only your chances of admissions will be good but also these colleges will be a good match for you. The following list of best suitable colleges for 1100 SAT scores is given so that you can choose a more suitable college, and may not choose a less competitive college or loose admissions because you have applied to a more competitive college.

The data is provided after rigorous scrutinizing of all US colleges and the average SAT scores of their admitted students. But please also note that colleges in US not only consider your SAT score but also take into consideration your GPA and other factors such as leadership qualities, interest in the subject, and participation in the social activities. Your motivation letter also plays a significant role.

Best Colleges for 1100 SAT Score

Following is the list of colleges that accept 1100 SAT Score.

InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Math ScoresAcceptance Rate
Belmont Abbey CollegeNorth Carolina1107 528 - 623 - 500 - 583 98.91%
Lubbock Christian UniversityTexas1107 470 - 593420 - 548 470 - 593 95.18%
Cabrini UniversityPennsylvania1106 495 - 620 - 503 - 595 80.04%
Millikin UniversityIllinois1106 490 - 600450 - 590 470 - 590 74.81%
Indiana University-EastIndiana1106 490 - 630410 - 510 510 - 590 80.51%
Farmingdale State CollegeNew York1106 500 - 590 - 510 - 600 72.51%
Belhaven UniversityMississippi1106 490 - 660 - 490 - 600 64.02%
Bellin CollegeWisconsin1105 - - - 85.29%
Olivet Nazarene UniversityIllinois1105 490 - 610 - 480 - 590 60.55%
University of Louisiana at LafayetteLouisiana1105 510 - 610 - 513 - 588 78.35%
University of Northern ColoradoColorado1104 490 - 620 - 480 - 590 91.13%
Florida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida1104 520 - 600480 - 560 490 - 580 89.21%
Northwest Missouri State UniversityMissouri1104 470 - 560 - 483 - 573 85.58%
Heidelberg UniversityOhio1104 510 - 592 - 520 - 570 86.36%
Southern Virginia UniversityVirginia1103 518 - 623450 - 550 500 - 603 99.51%
Saint Martin's UniversityWashington1103 510 - 635440 - 550 485 - 590 71.62%
Southern Oregon UniversityOregon1103 500 - 630 - 480 - 600 89.7%
Corban UniversityOregon1103 503 - 605460 - 590 500 - 560 37.5%
Saint Vincent CollegePennsylvania1103 480 - 610450 - 560 470 - 603 73.03%
Flagler CollegeFlorida1102 510 - 610480 - 570 480 - 570 74.04%
Lincoln Memorial UniversityTennessee1102 493 - 598 - 500 - 628 69.9%
Culver-Stockton CollegeMissouri1102 500 - 550 - 470 - 530 92.54%
College of Mount Saint VincentNew York1102 490 - 630410 - 490 510 - 600 82.11%
Southwest Baptist UniversityMissouri1101 480 - 600 - 520 - 610 96.21%
Williams Baptist UniversityArkansas1100 400 - 590 - 435 - 520 64.1%
Fresno Pacific UniversityCalifornia1100 480 - 620440 - 525 490 - 620 77.86%
University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeWisconsin1100 - - - 88.96%
University of Wisconsin-Green BayWisconsin1100 - - - 91.43%
Fontbonne UniversityMissouri1100 - - - 78.11%
University of Nebraska at OmahaNebraska1100 - 410 - 585 - 87.25%
Portland State UniversityOregon1099 510 - 640440 - 560 490 - 610 98.43%
Mount Marty UniversitySouth Dakota1098 410 - 540 - 400 - 510 67.37%
Vanguard University of Southern CaliforniaCalifornia1098 500 - 610 - 480 - 590 69.01%
Johnson UniversityTennessee1098 490 - 600430 - 600 490 - 585 80.92%
Purdue University NorthwestIndiana1098 500 - 600 - 490 - 590 76.36%
Midway UniversityKentucky1098 500 - 570 - 440 - 550 77.74%
Longwood UniversityVirginia1098 520 - 600 - 510 - 570 89.98%
Catawba CollegeNorth Carolina1097 480 - 590410 - 510 510 - 560 56.12%
Rocky Mountain CollegeMontana1097 500 - 600438 - 540 475 - 580 80.66%
University of Nebraska at KearneyNebraska1097 468 - 580 - 470 - 553 90.32%
North Greenville UniversitySouth Carolina1097 500 - 620450 - 660 480 - 590 69.74%
Indiana University-KokomoIndiana1096 500 - 600410 - 500 500 - 580 90.35%
Bethel College-North NewtonKansas1096 490 - 590 - 500 - 570 70.6%
Cottey CollegeMissouri1096 510 - 580 - 520 - 540 60.54%
Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania1095 500 - 610410 - 510 490 - 590 97.25%
University of Pittsburgh-BradfordPennsylvania1095 500 - 590410 - 520 490 - 590 73.29%
University of Pittsburgh-TitusvillePennsylvania1095 500 - 610360 - 448 520 - 560 46.88%
Sterling CollegeKansas1095 498 - 573 - 498 - 593 47.4%
Kentucky Wesleyan CollegeKentucky1095 455 - 560 - 465 - 580 67.23%
Gwynedd Mercy UniversityPennsylvania1095 490 - 610400 - 500 500 - 590 90.6%
InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Maths ScoresAcceptance Rate
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Is 1100 SAT Score Good?

A 1100 SAT Score is above average. 1100 SAT Score is 61st Percentile of all the SAT takers in the US. Last time 1.7 million students took the SAT test. It means your score is better than 61 of all the students who appeared in SAT. The SAT score ranges from 400-1600. However, if you are not satisfied with your result, or your target institution is not in the following list, or in top 10 listed colleges, then you might need to consider re-taking the test to improve your performance.

What percentile is 1100 SAT?

1100 SAT score is 61st percentile in US. This means you have outperformed 61st percent of the students and 39 percent of the students performed better than you.

Top colleges for 1100 SAT score

If you have scored 1100 in SAT, then the best colleges for you include Lubbock Christian University, Cabrini University, Millikin University, Indiana University-East, Farmingdale State College.

Best Colleges for SAT Score Ranges

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