1494 SAT Colleges: Best Schools for 1494 SAT Score

Best colleges for 1494 SAT Score are listed here. If you have achieved a SAT score of 1494, then you must choose at least 5 of the below listed colleges, as not only your chances of admissions will be good but also these colleges will be a good match for you. The following list of best suitable colleges for 1494 SAT scores is given so that you can choose a more suitable college, and may not choose a less competitive college or loose admissions because you have applied to a more competitive college.

The data is provided after rigorous scrutinizing of all US colleges and the average SAT scores of their admitted students. But please also note that colleges in US not only consider your SAT score but also take into consideration your GPA and other factors such as leadership qualities, interest in the subject, and participation in the social activities. Your motivation letter also plays a significant role.

Best Colleges for 1494 SAT Score

Following is the list of colleges that accept 1494 SAT Score.

InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Math ScoresAcceptance Rate
Jewish Theological Seminary of AmericaNew York1449 683 - 730680 - 720 663 - 758 50.43%
Colgate UniversityNew York1448 670 - 740 - 680 - 760 17.19%
Southern Methodist UniversityTexas1448 660 - 740600 - 690 680 - 770 53.13%
Boston UniversityMassachusetts1447 660 - 740600 - 690 700 - 780 18.65%
William & MaryVirginia1447 690 - 750620 - 720 670 - 770 36.54%
Stevens Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey1446 670 - 730 - 700 - 780 52.69%
Kenyon CollegeOhio1443 680 - 750620 - 720 660 - 750 36.55%
Hillsdale CollegeMichigan1441 680 - 760610 - 730 660 - 750 23.68%
Villanova UniversityPennsylvania1437 660 - 730590 - 690 690 - 760 25.24%
Tulane University of LouisianaLouisiana1431 680 - 740640 - 720 680 - 770 9.63%
Mount Holyoke CollegeMassachusetts1430 660 - 750 - 640 - 760 52.3%
Wesleyan UniversityConnecticut1426 650 - 750 - 650 - 760 19.44%
University of Maryland-College ParkMaryland1426 650 - 730 - 680 - 780 52.03%
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main CampusGeorgia1423 630 - 730640 - 730 680 - 770 15.96%
Lehigh UniversityPennsylvania1422 645 - 730 - 680 - 760 45.97%
Occidental CollegeCalifornia1422 670 - 740605 - 690 670 - 750 38.24%
University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignIllinois1422 640 - 730590 - 690 680 - 780 59.66%
Macalester CollegeMinnesota1421 680 - 750630 - 720 660 - 765 31.26%
Oberlin CollegeOhio1419 680 - 750630 - 730 658 - 710 34.34%
George Washington UniversityDistrict of Columbia1419 660 - 740600 - 690 650 - 750 49.71%
Santa Clara UniversityCalifornia1418 650 - 720 - 680 - 770 53.98%
Connecticut CollegeConnecticut1416 680 - 748 - 653 - 728 40.95%
Babson CollegeMassachusetts1412 640 - 710590 - 660 690 - 770 25.35%
Trinity CollegeConnecticut1409 673 - 730 - 660 - 750 37.75%
University of MiamiFlorida1402 650 - 720580 - 680 650 - 740 28.49%
Fordham UniversityNew York1402 650 - 730590 - 680 650 - 750 58.3%
Rhode Island School of DesignRhode Island1399 630 - 710580 - 690 680 - 770 18.68%
Colorado School of MinesColorado1399 650 - 720560 - 650 660 - 750 56.88%
Binghamton UniversityNew York1398 650 - 720580 - 670 660 - 750 44.15%
Lafayette CollegePennsylvania1396 640 - 720590 - 690 660 - 740 40.74%
University of FloridaFlorida1396 650 - 720570 - 670 650 - 750 30.13%
Mills CollegeCalifornia1395 728 - 743530 - 650 650 - 670 79.81%
Whitman CollegeWashington1394 645 - 725600 - 700 650 - 730 58.95%
InstituteStateAverage SAT ScoreSAT Reading ScoresSAT Writing ScoresSAT Maths ScoresAcceptance Rate
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Is 1494 SAT Score Good?

A 1494 SAT Score is exceptional. 1494 SAT Score is 98th Percentile of all the SAT takers in the US. Last time 1.7 million students took the SAT test. It means your score is better than 98 percent of all the students who appeared in SAT. The SAT score ranges from 400-1600. However, if you are not satisfied with your result, or your target institution is not in the following list, or in top 10 listed colleges, then you might need to consider re-taking the test to improve your performance.

What percentile is 1494 SAT?

1494 SAT score is 98th percentile in US. This means you have outperformed 98th percent of the students and 2 percent of the students performed better than you.

Top colleges for 1494 SAT score

If you have scored 1494 in SAT, then the best colleges for you include Colgate University, Southern Methodist University, Boston University, William & Mary, Stevens Institute of Technology.

Best Colleges for SAT Score Ranges

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