Test Optional Colleges in New Jersey 2025 Schools Not Requiring SAT/ACT

Test Optional Schools and Colleges are those which do not require SAT or ACT Test score at the time of admissions. Admissions and Test Score Policy of all Schools, Colleges and Universities in New Jersey are given here. Admissions Test Score Policy of the institutes indicates how the selection criteria of the institution works. Some schools and universities require Admission test Scores including SAT/ACT Scores. Some (Test Optional) recommend students to submit the test scores but not strictly require it while some institutions have a strict admissions policy to submit the test scores.

Some institutions have open admission policy. Open Admission Policy means that all qualifying students who meet the minimum eligibility criteria are offered admission and they start the degree the program without additional qualifications or performance benchmarks. In other words, the institutes having open admission policy have 100% acceptance rate.

Institutions Admission Policy Labels are defined as follows:

Required: The Institute requires the applicants to submit test (SAT/ACT) scores.
Recommeded/ Test Optional: The Institute recommends students provide admission test scores (SAT/ACT), during the application process.
Not Required: does not require admission test scores (SAT/ACT) during the application process and does not recommend that students provide them.
Considered / Test Optional: considers admission test scores (SAT/ACT) during the application process, but does not require them.
Unknown: The admission test score (SAT/ACT) policy for is unknown.

List of all Test Optional Colleges in New Jersey Schools Not Requiring SAT/ACT 2025

InstituteTest Score PolicyOpen Admission Policy
Caldwell UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Chamberlain University-New JerseyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
DeVry University-New JerseyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Jersey CollegeTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
William Paterson University of New JerseyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
The College of New JerseyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Stockton UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Stevens Institute of TechnologyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Saint Elizabeth UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Seton Hall UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Saint Peter's UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Rutgers University-New BrunswickTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Rutgers University-CamdenTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Rider UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Ramapo College of New JerseyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Princeton UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Drew UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Montclair State UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Monmouth UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Kean UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Centenary UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan CampusTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
New Jersey City UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Felician UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Rowan UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Georgian Court UniversityTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham CampusTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Bloomfield CollegeTest Optional: Considers Test Score but not Required NO
Yeshiva Yesodei HatorahTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshiva Toras ChaimTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron LeymaTest Optional: Not Required NO
Keser Torah-Mayan HatalmudTest Optional: Not Required NO
Morris County Vocational School DistrictTest Optional: Not Required NO
Beth Medrash of Asbury ParkTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshiva Gedolah Shaarei ShmuelTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshiva Bais AharonTest Optional: Not Required NO
Bais Medrash Mayan HatorahTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshiva Gedola Tiferes Yaakov YitzchokTest Optional: Not Required NO
Yeshivas Be'er YitzchokTest Optional: Not Required NO
Bais Medrash Toras ChesedTest Optional: Not Required NO
Healthcare Training InstituteTest Optional: Not Required NO
Eastern International College-Jersey CityTest Optional: Not Required NO
Rabbi Jacob Joseph SchoolTest Optional: Not Required NO
Rabbinical Seminary Mkor ChaimTest Optional: Not Required NO
Talmudical Academy-New JerseyTest Optional: Not Required NO
Holy Name Medical Center-Sister Claire Tynan School of NursingTest Optional: Not Required NO
Rutgers University-NewarkTest Optional: Not Required NO
Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic ArtTest Optional: Not Required NO
Rabbinical College of AmericaTest Optional: Not Required NO
InstituteTest Score PolicyOpen Admission Policy
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