Associate Degree of Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians: Best College in California 2025

Details of all Colleges and Universities offering Associate Degree of Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians in California are given here, inlcuding name of the school, degree program, annual fee, acceptance rate and average SAT Score. The schools and colleges are ranked by Graduate's Median Earning. Hence you know the best colleges in terms of Graduate's earnings.

57 Best Colleges for Associate Degree of Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians in California 2025

CollegeCityCategoryAcceptance RateGraduate Median Earning
Foothill CollegeLos Altos HillsPublic Sector100%57072
De Anza CollegeCupertinoPublic Sector100%56596
West Valley CollegeSaratogaPublic Sector100%51688
Diablo Valley CollegePleasant HillPublic Sector100%51378
Norco CollegeNorcoPublic Sector100%51206
Las Positas CollegeLivermorePublic Sector100%51088
Napa Valley CollegeNapaPublic Sector100%49517
Moorpark CollegeMoorparkPublic Sector100%49044
San Diego Miramar CollegeSan DiegoPublic Sector100%48224
Chabot CollegeHaywardPublic Sector100%48143
Santa Barbara City CollegeSanta BarbaraPublic Sector100%47647
Orange Coast CollegeCosta MesaPublic Sector100%47348
Mt San Antonio CollegeWalnutPublic Sector100%46283
Cuesta CollegeSan Luis ObispoPublic Sector100%46047
Sierra CollegeRocklinPublic Sector100%45294
San Diego Mesa CollegeSan DiegoPublic Sector100%45120
Los Angeles Pierce CollegeWoodland HillsPublic Sector100%44521
Coastline Community CollegeFountain ValleyPublic Sector100%44483
Solano Community CollegeFairfieldPublic Sector100%44170
Cabrillo CollegeAptosPublic Sector100%44114
Pasadena City CollegePasadenaPublic Sector100%43937
MiraCosta CollegeOceansidePublic Sector100%43845
Cypress CollegeCypressPublic Sector100%43533
Fullerton CollegeFullertonPublic Sector100%43366
Chaffey CollegeRancho CucamongaPublic Sector100%42975
Allan Hancock CollegeSanta MariaPublic Sector100%42786
Los Angeles Valley CollegeValley GlenPublic Sector100%42678
Los Medanos CollegePittsburgPublic Sector100%42454
Cosumnes River CollegeSacramentoPublic Sector100%42446
Palomar CollegeSan MarcosPublic Sector100%42300
Sacramento City CollegeSacramentoPublic Sector100%42214
Santa Monica CollegeSanta MonicaPublic Sector100%42193
Citrus CollegeGlendoraPublic Sector100%42065
Columbia College HollywoodTarzanaPrivate Sector100%42014
East Los Angeles CollegeMonterey ParkPublic Sector100%42006
Butte CollegeOrovillePublic Sector100%41810
El Camino Community College DistrictTorrancePublic Sector100%41589
Glendale Community CollegeGlendalePublic Sector100%41540
Cerritos CollegeNorwalkPublic Sector100%41156
Riverside City CollegeRiversidePublic Sector100%41091
Mendocino CollegeUkiahPublic Sector100%40243
American River CollegeSacramentoPublic Sector100%40162
Southwestern CollegeChula VistaPublic Sector100%40060
Yuba CollegeMarysvillePublic Sector100%39552
Academy of Art UniversitySan FranciscoPrivate Sector100%39008
Long Beach City CollegeLong BeachPublic Sector100%38870
San Diego City CollegeSan DiegoPublic Sector100%38503
Reedley CollegeReedleyPublic Sector100%38493
Mt San Jacinto Community College DistrictSan JacintoPublic Sector100%38319
Fresno City CollegeFresnoPublic Sector100%37361
CollegeCityCategoryAcceptance RateGraduate Median Earning
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